Horoscope: May 4, 2017

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

There’s a fine line between being intrigued about an arrangement and it being exciting but a nuisance. One particular situation is on the verge of becoming exactly that, a bother. Tackle this issue now, while it’s relatively minor and you can easily rethink things. You’ll resolve it easily, possibly within days.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Planning ahead may be a virtue. Do too much of it now, however, and you’ll only have to invest valuable time undoing what you’ve just organised. The trick is to ensure arrangements are flexible enough you can rethink them as circumstances or, quite possibly, your own priorities shift.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

Those who’re careless about facts can be difficult to get along with and, because they have little imagination, actually hold things back. Yet judging by the Sun’s powerful aspect to the precise Pluto, in a few days’ time, if you’re any less than scrupulous about the facts, you’ll face serious problems.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

You don’t mind change, but you do find it tiresome when you assumed things were finally organised. While it’s true, many once-unsettled issues are now history, you’re in the midst of a period of dramatic transition. This means that as one cycle of change ends, another will just be beginning.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Being an impatient fire sign, you’ll sometimes jump from discussing a plan or idea to putting it into action. Usually that works but judging by the changeable planetary setup between now and midmonth, even the simplest of arrangements will go through several versions. If you must proceed, ensure plans are flexible.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

As an earth sign, you’re deeply practical. But the side of your nature that’s ruled by the quicksilver Mercury picks up on even the slightest hint of change in the air. If you’re feeling it now, that’s no surprise, because that’s exactly what powerful planetary activity, midmonth, is ushering in.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

Last week your ruler Venus moved into the partnership angle of your chart and now the ideas planet Mercury ends its retrograde cycle there. While the shift won’t be immediate, by the week’s close you’ll begin to notice both the mood of others and even tricky situations improve, often amazingly.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

As a Scorpio, you long ago learnt that arrangements made under stress, simply don’t last as well as those that benefitted from being organised in a serene environment. Since such calm is in short supply at the moment, you’re urged to regard whatever you plan as tentative, if not a trial run.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

You sometimes forget that, in the process of making new plans or orchestrating changes, there’s a need to undo existing arrangements. You tend to assume they’ll gradually vanish. By no means is that the case, especially if others are involved. The sooner you bring these to a conclusion, the better.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Various obligations haven’t just intruded on your life, they’ve meant short changing those closest, in terms of the time and attention you’re able to give them. However, the situations you’re facing are very pressing indeed. Explain to those concerned you’ll make it up to them, then ensure you do exactly that.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

There’s been talk of changes in elements of your work or lifestyle, but thus far it’s been only that, a lively exchange of ideas. Still, because you’re building up to Wednesday’s Full Moon, which brings these to a head, you’re better off doing your research now and focusing on decisions later.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Long ago you learnt that certain extremely uptight individuals have a tendency to blame others for problems or errors, get furious and, only after all that, begin investigating matters from a rational perspective. That’s exactly what’s happening now. Tempting as it is to correct them, instead say nothing until they’ve calmed down.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2017.
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