Different aspects brought together on one platform

Kashif Mangi paints Bollywood actors while Muhammad Hosyen delves into the abstract

Kashif Mangi and Muhammad Hosyen have depicted different aspects of life in their paintings. PHOTO: IVS GALLERY

With differing perspectives, two artists put up a show together to offer insight into the times we live in.

Kashif Mangi and Muhammad Hosyen are both recent graduates of National College of Arts (NCA), Lahore. PHOTO: IVS GALLERY

Kashif Mangi and Muhammad Hosyen, both recent graduates of National College of Arts (NCA), Lahore, showcased their works at an exhibition, titled 'Paintings'. It is on display till May 5 at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture (IVS) Gallery.

Mangi and Hosyen have depicted different aspects of life in their paintings.

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Mangi painted features of Bollywood actors such as Rekha, Siri Devi and Juhi Chawla. However, the faces that were blurred included those of Lollywood sensation Reema and Bollywood diva Madhuri. "While working with filmy posters, I realised that film actors were known for their poses,” said Mangi. “Also the lying-down-on-the bed poses depict how they get to communicate via the camera with their viewers. Hence, a pose dictates the terms of communication [while] I have only [made] possible use of it."

The exhibition is on display till May 5 at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture (IVS) Gallery. PHOTO: IVS GALLERY

Mangi has displayed 19 oil-on-canvas paintings. He said the medium of oil on canvas allows him to create pieces that are in constant demand.

In the work of Hosyen, one finds the abstract world coming into being. "There is abstract work but there is reality behind it," he said. While Mangi's pieces are untitled, Hosyen's artwork provides a glimpse into his stint as a strong Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) fan at one point in time.

While Mangi's pieces are untitled, Hosyen's artwork provides a glimpse into his stint as a strong Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) fan at one point in time. PHOTO: IVS GALLERY

Ten of his pieces have been given titles such as 'Accountability', 'Justice' and 'Tabdeli'. However, when you question him about his political mindset, he says, "We were promised a Naya Pakistan. Today, that same face is fractured, depicting a sad situation in which political and constitutional rights are being subdued."

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One of his images depicts the third world war, for which he blames mankind. "It is man who creates and destroys things on his own. This is my critique on the current political landscape and the protests on current happenings."
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