Horoscope 22-4-2017

Your Stars Today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Few things are more exasperating than having to revisit issues you’ve already discussed, especially if, as is the case now, they’re as tedious as they are complex. But as you’ll discover once you’ve begun talking things over, the actual circumstances have changed so much that further discussion isn’t just wise, it’s essential.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Being ruled by the charming Venus, difficult as others may be, you’d still prefer to deal with issues in a civilised manner. Now, however, you’ve no choice but to take a tough line, if not be blunt. Out of character as this is, it will make it clear you’re unwilling to compromise.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

As an inquisitive Gemini, as you discover new ideas, intriguing pursuits and interesting people, it’s natural that your enthusiasms would shift. This is especially the case now, to the extent that some are expressing concern. Reassure them that, whatever changes you make, those alliances that are central to your life will last.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Some people have very strong feelings about how most things in life should be done. While you’re usually able to navigate around their rather rigid views, in one particular matter you’re heading for a clash. Express your ideas, and make it clear you’ll do things your way, but say nothing more.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Not only does the New Moon take place on Wednesday, because it accents the structure of your life, the events it triggers will enable you to explore changes you’ve been considering. True, what arises may seem extreme, at least initially. Still, the more you discover, the more excited you’ll be.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Life is much easier if you know what to expect later today, tomorrow, next week and even next year. Yet with your ruler Mercury meeting the unpredictable Uranus, on the 28th, both your priorities and even the simplest of arrangements are bound to change, dramatically and, often, overnight.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

Tedious as the issues you’re facing may be, they’re no surprise. In fact, you’ve been well aware these were likely to spring up, and so may even be relieved you’ve an opportunity to deal with them. Better yet, at long last, others are willing to shoulder their share of responsibilities.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

You’d think that, because you’re capable of such frankness in many situations and settings, you’d have no problem saying a forthright ‘no’ to one particular increasingly troublesome individual. Yet you haven’t even mentioned it. While it’s possible you’re putting this off, the odds are just as good that, actually, you rather enjoy those dramas.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

Others have been frustratingly withdrawn. Now that the fiery Mars has moved to accent close relationships, they’ll be more enthusiastic and, happily, more expressive, as well. And better yet, with Mars there until early June, you’ll have plenty of time to tackle various issues and talk them over in depth.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Every once in a while, even the most congenial of friendships needs to be reviewed, issues highlighted and discussed. While you might be concerned about potential dramas, once you’re actually talking, things will go brilliantly. In fact, with Wednesday’s New Moon kick starting a fresh cycle, the timing couldn’t be better.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

It’s rare that you’re unsure where you stand on important life issues. As an Aquarius and an air sign, you deal with most such matters without really giving it much thought. However, with the actual foundation on which these are based shifting, and often dramatically, you’re still weighing up your options.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

By no means are you narrow minded. Yet, as is the case with everybody, past experience has made you cautious about certain situations and, equally, certain individuals. However, recent changes in circumstances or, indeed, the character of others suggests it’s wise to revisit those conclusions you made, some, ages ago.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 22nd, 2017.
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