Horoscope: April 19, 2017

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

As a quick-thinking Aries, you move so swiftly that planning ahead seems pointless. Despite that, sometimes well intentioned friends insist you should. Perhaps. But definitely not this week, with daily changes in the planetary setup indicating that you’ll need to rethink both existing arrangements and those for the future, and often.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

While, obviously, life would be easier if you could discover and deal with the source of certain minor but persistent problems, the odds are slim you’ll find them. This is one of those bizarre periods when the best strategy is to do nothing. These issues will vanish, probably by early May.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

You don’t think of yourself as being tough or demanding and others would agree. Yet in one particular situation, involving an especially difficult person, you have no choice. Out of character as it seems, you must make it abundantly clear what’s expected of the individual in question, and when.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Watching arrangements you worked hard to make happen come undone isn’t just a disappointment, you might find yourself taking it personally. You could wonder whether you should have done things differently. The fact is, everything has its ordained span, and these have reached the end of theirs.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Others’ enthusiasm for ideas or arrangements you regard as dull, if not just plain boring, is irritating. But there’s no avoiding these. Not only is it worth listening to what’s being said, try to overcome your resistance and do a little exploration. The more you do, the more excited you’ll be.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Confrontations with others aren’t the problem. These arise in all manner of settings and situations. It’s just that now, there’s a tendency to blame the unwise decisions of certain individuals for almost everything that’s going wrong. This is unkind and, as events themselves will soon reveal, miles from the truth.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

As an air sign, you’ve a need to come to terms with both events and issues with others from a rational perspective. Yet, because close relationships, personal and otherwise, have such a pivotal place in your life, you give just as much thought to the emotional impact of what’s taken place.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

When you dealt with the challenging events triggered by the clash between your ruler Jupiter and the uncompromising Pluto, in late March, you realised how unwise it is to try to conceal vital facts. Yet, you’re considering doing exactly that. Think again. This won’t complicate matters, it will cause serious problems.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

Few things are more frustrating for you than having a difference with others, yet facing a wall of silence. The problem is, those you’re dealing with aren’t blessed with your quick mind, so need time to reflect on both the actual situation and their views. Be patient. They’ll respond, and soon.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Mercury’s retrograde cycle began on the 9th, but now that it’s moving to accent your domestic setup, the errors typical of this period will force you to focus on issues you’ve been hoping would, somehow, resolve themselves. They won’t. But, bizarrely, these errors will do wonders to help clarify the problem.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

Making plans is one thing. You’ve invested a great deal of time, thought and, in some cases, heart in doing exactly that. However, as is becoming clearer with each passing day, the actual situations are in transition, which means even simple arrangements are bound to be rethought, possibly several times.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

You rarely think about it, but as an intuitive Pisces, you sense when others are concerned, concealing the facts or even up to no good. While you can’t always discuss these feelings openly, you can at least organise elements of your own plans and those of a joint nature to accommodate those expectations.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 19th, 2017.
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