Horoscope: April 5, 2017

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 - April 18

This is most certainly a time of opportunity. However, the form these developments take and what’s required of you may not be appealing, at least initially. Despite that, at least do a little investigation. The more you learn, the more eager you’ll be to take things to the next stage.

Taurus | April 19 - May 19

Ordinarily you’re the one who’s practical. That is, when family, friends or even colleagues are about to plunge into a completely unrealistic plan or venture, you’ll discuss any potential problems. Now, however, it’s you who’s about to go too far. You’ll be thankful when others point that out.

Gemini | May 20 - June 20

Your chart indicates that opportunities are appearing from out of the blue, and that’s exactly what’s coming your way. There’s only one problem, and it’s those over-cautious individuals who either want time to think things over or proof. With things moving so swiftly, you may just have to ignore their demands.

Cancer | June 21 - July 21

Usually offers that are too good to be true are exactly that. But judging by the splendid, if changeable, planetary activity over the next few days, seemingly impossible ideas or offers will come good. While, with the absence of guarantees, you may be reluctant to say yes, you’ve nothing to lose.

Leo | July 22 - August 21

As a quick-thinking and fast moving fire sign, certain individuals sometimes criticise you for not planning things thoroughly beforehand. But from your perspective, if there’s a problem, you’ll deal with it when it arises. Which may just be what you’ll need to do, and in a number of situations.

Virgo | August 22 - September 21

Watching something you’ve worked hard to organise come undone isn’t just disheartening, it makes you wonder where you went wrong. But judging by this tricky week and that, on Sunday, your ruler Mercury goes retrograde, errors both minor and major are to be expected. Knowing that, deal with them but don’t worry.

Libra | September 22 - October 22

Although the powerful Libra Full Moon doesn’t take place until Tuesday, the odds are good you’re already wrestling with certain issues. Some are unspoken, others are a source of contention but all will surface, and need to be discussed and, ideally, resolved over the coming week or so.

Scorpio | October 23 - November 21

You’re about to experience a surge of confidence, one that may initially seem overwhelming. Yet judging by the potent links between Mars and your ruler Pluto, it’s about you discussing or doing something you’ve long dreamt of, but always avoided. The time has come to plunge in. You’ll never regret it.

Sagittarius | November 22 - December 20

There’s a difference between being at odds with others over everyday matters, which can usually be talked through swiftly, and the variety of arguments you’re currently facing. These go deeper and, in fact, you may have to acknowledge that there’s no common ground. The solution? It’s simple. You need only agree to disagree.

Capricorn | December 21 - January 18

For you, planning ahead isn’t just wise, it can prevent minor problems from turning into major ones. Judging by the coming weeks’ unsettling planetary activity, however, even careful planning won’t prevent certain surprises. Ironically, what’s least expected could turn out to be most worthwhile, at least in the long run.

Aquarius | January 19 - February 17

When you first sidestepped one particularly tricky issue, it was because you were aware several individuals weren’t prepared to talk about it. Now there’s no choice. Still, there’s some time. First, raise this, chatting about matters in general. Then, a day or so later, begin discussions of a more serious nature.

Pisces | February 18 - March 19

The last thing you want to do is disappoint anybody. But if someone doesn’t draw a line between fact and fantasy, and soon, the individual in question could cause others upset or dig themselves even more deeply into already difficult situations. The trick is to express your concerns frankly, then back off.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 5th, 2017.
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