Horoscope: April 4, 2017

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 - April 18

Sometimes setbacks are no more than that, obstacles to be overcome. But those you’re currently facing are prompting you to review certain arrangements that once made sense, but no longer do. The issue may involve minor details or something more complicated. Whatever the case, once you tackle it, there’ll be few problems.

Taurus | April 19 - May 19

Few things annoy you more than those who make changes in arrangements, at the last minute and without any explanation. However, judging by this week’s frequent and often sudden events, you’ll have to do exactly that, and more than once. And, for reasons of discretion, you’ll be unable to say why.

Gemini | May 20 - June 20

As you’ve undoubtedly already noticed, you’re in a period during which even the simplest of arrangements won’t last long. While that’s exasperating, it will also prompt you to review your options as they arise. Being a Gemini, your inquisitiveness is one of your greatest virtues. Now you can put it to good use.

Cancer | June 21 - July 21

The ideas currently being discussed are appealing but distinctly lacking in solid facts. Obviously, you’d prefer to have solid guarantees but there’s not enough information to make even the simplest of promises. This is annoying, but be patient. With so many changes yet to come, this uncertainty will work in your favour.

Leo | July 22 - August 21

Every once in a while something comes up that makes you realise just how stubborn you can be. Judging by the current planetary activity, that’s exactly what you’re facing. If you’re still battling to do things your way, pause and ask yourself if the matter in question is, in reality, that significant.

Virgo | August 22 - September 21

Appealing as new ideas and offers are, you don’t know enough to make even the vaguest of commitments. Others may say they would, and that’s fine for them. But for you, as a cautious and thorough Virgo, getting involved when you’re short of facts isn’t just unwise, it’s impossible.

Libra | September 22 - October 22

The issues kicked up by your ruler Venus’s retrograde cycle are puzzling, but they’ve been on your mind for ages. It’s just you had no idea how to raise them. Now events have done it on your behalf, you need only listen, ask questions and work together to find solutions.

Scorpio | October 23 - November 21

You rarely, if ever, adopt a view and, still less, confront others without being sure your facts are right. Yet you’re now discovering that’s exactly what you’ve done. Acknowledge that and apologise then, instead of withdrawing as you normally would, exchange ideas with others. The results will be miraculous.

Sagittarius | November 22 - December 20

For weeks you’ve been sidestepping issues involving family or domestic matters, mostly because you simply couldn’t get to the bottom of them. Now that the retrograde Venus, which accents all forms of relationships, has moved to accent these, you can expect a combination of informative conversations and helpful insights.

Capricorn | December 21 - January 18

Generally speaking, you see little point in going over old ground, whether the problem is personal, related to family or work. Yet with the retrograde Venus accenting misunderstandings in every form, the time you invest in untangling these matters won’t just be revealing, it could resolve ongoing issues for good.

Aquarius | January 19 - February 17

Nobody would say you’re headstrong and, still less, that you’re stubborn. Yet in certain situations you are amazingly unwilling even to discuss new ideas and, still less, changes. Judging by the coming weeks’ planetary activity, however, you’ll have no choice. That being the case, you’d best begin exploring your options now.

Pisces | February 18 - March 19

The last thing you want to do is cause anybody problems. But if you don’t point out to one particular individual how upsetting their words and actions are to others, things will only get worse. True, initially, they’ll argue. Within a short time, however, they’ll be thanking you for this reality check.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 4th, 2017.
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