Safety Net: Draft welfare system for artists finalised  

The meeting decides to circulate the draft amongst committee members and ask them to present their feedback

The meeting decides to circulate the draft amongst committee members and ask them to present their feedback. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE

The Prime Minister’s Special Committee for the Welfare of Artists on Friday finalised its initial draft based on recommendations to create an effective mechanism for the well-being of artists at federal and provincial levels. The committee’s meeting, headed by Advisor to the PM on National History and Literary Heritage Irfan Siddiqui, decided to circulate the initial draft amongst all the members of the committee and gave them five days to present their feedback. The final report on the subject would be presented to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif soon. “We are striving to have a system that can assess and evaluate cases of financial and medical assistance for the artists,” he said.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 1st, 2017.
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