CDA installs 21,000 LED street lights in capital

40,000 LED lights to be installed in the next three months, says CDA chairman


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has replaced 21,000 street lights with the latest LED ones, according to a statement released on Sunday.

According to the CDA, work on the project is being carried out in different phases to expedite the endeavour.

The Mayor of Islamabad and CDA Chairman Sheikh Anser Aziz inspected work on Constitution Avenue, Nazimud Din Road, Agha Khan Road, Faisal Avenue, Markaz F-6, Kohsar Road as well as other major roads and avenues of the city.

Aziz vowed that in next three months 40,000 conventional lights would be replaced by LED lights.

Up-gradation: CDA to install 2,000 LED lights

He said that the installation of modern street lights would not only help save sufficient energy but would also considerably reduce expenditure incurred on their repair and maintenance.

The CDA chairman said that once the project is completed billions of rupees would be saved in addition to saving electrical energy.

He added that LED technology is more durable than the conventional street lights.
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