How to lose 13 kilos in three months

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Contrary to what most people think, dramatic weight loss doesn’t have to take very long. If you challenge yourself at the gym and stick to a stringent food plan, it shouldn’t take more than two to three months for you to get into shape – of course, depending on how much weight you had to shed in the first place.

As compiled from Men’s Health, here’s how one can lose up to 13 kilos in less than three months. We promise you’ll see noticeable results in no time.

Cut out the bad carbs

‘Bad carbs’ are foods comprising of sugars or excessive amounts of starch, namely breads, pasta, potatoes and rice. Because these are rich in glucose, they are absorbed into the bloodstream quicker than other things.


Eliminating these foods from your diet will burn fat, as well as reduce insulin levels which will ultimately, improve your health and expedite weight loss. In fact, a research conducted by Columbia University found that 70% of weight-loss in low-carb dieters stemmed from low insulin levels.

Eat your veggies

As cliché as this might sound, you have to eat vegetables to get your fat-engine rolling. In fact, a study of more than 2000 low-carb dieters found that those who lost the most weight were consuming four servings of nonstarchy vegetables a day. You can have almost any vegetable you like, other than potatoes and corn.

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Pack on the protein

Many people – especially younger generations – tend to skip breakfast, a practice which can become a major impediment to your weight loss regime. Having a solid brekkie packed with muscle-building proteins is absolutely essential. Case in point: University of Illinois scientists report that, on average, people consume 65% of their protein after 6pm. The researchers also found that to optimally preserve muscle as you lose weight, you need to take in protein in very meal. Make sure to fill up with boiled eggs or omelettes every morning.

Say no to processed foods

We get it...there is nothing more convenient than boiling sausages straight from the box or whipping up instant mashed potatoes. Unfortunately, most packaged meats contain added salt and sugar as well as nitrate which, all together, up the risk of blood pressure issues and even cancer. Samosas and pakoras don’t count either – sorry folks!

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Don’t forget about natural fats

You didn’t read that wrong. There is such a thing as good fats and  egg yolks, avocadoes, olives or olive-oil-based dressings are prime examples. Contrary to popular opinion, fat alone doesn't raise insulin levels and so has little to do with making you pack on the pounds.

High amounts of carbs coupled with lots of fat intake are the real culprits. These actually stimulate the release of insulin, causing your body to store fat instead of burning it. Not to mention, there are ample studies that prove that low-carbohydrate diets are more effective at reducing risk of heart-diseases than low-fat diets.


Get your gym groove on

Finish off that flab by working it off. You might shed off all your weight but without exercise, you’re unlikely to get toned and stronger and we really cannot stress that enough! If you can’t make time for a proper routine or don’t have access to a gym, simply 50 squats a day will suffice too. Anything to get you moving, albeit even a little bit.

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