Job-seekers with Muslim names face prejudice in UK, reveals survey

BBC survey finds employers are less likely to consider applicants with Muslim names

Is there a bias in the job market? SCREENGRAB

An investigation by the BBC has found that employers are less likely to consider applicants with Muslim names.

The trailer of the investigation shows a blurred out man, speaking about the bias, “I think there are employees out there, as soon as they see a Muslim name they could straight away say no to that person.”

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The man told researchers of a first-hand experience where he was rejected for a job due to his religion. “He [employer] said to me he’ll read through the CV and he’ll get back to me,” he said. Excited to get his dream job, his hopes were dashed when the recruiter sent him a disheartening text: “My previous dislike of Islam has now hardened into real hate. That false and decadent religion now threatens our own societies.”

The job seeker was now scared, "I actually felt threatened. This person with so much hatred, he's got my address. He can do something to my family."

The job-seeker added that he was never short-listed for an interview until he changed his name to Hary Mason. “There were changes in the outcomes on my application. I was short-listed for an interview,” he said

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According to Tariq Modood at University of Bristol, the research proved that recruiters were biased in favour of those with more traditional British names. A similar study conducted within his department found Muslim men to be 76 per cent less likely to be recruited than their white Christian counterparts.

This article originally appeared on the BBC. 

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