The Queen made me a Knight, Trump made me an alien, says Sir Mo Farah

The Olympic gold-medalist trains at the famous Nike Oregon Project, in Portland.

Trump's travel ban restricts Mo Farah from entering the US. PHOTO: FACEBOOK

Britain’s Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah expressed reservations against US President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on seven Muslim nations.

Trump signed executive orders on Friday to suspend entry of nationals from seven Muslim-majority  countries; Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. The controversial ban has stopped immigration process, leaving thousands of refugees stranded.

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In his Facebook post, Britain’s most decorated athlete wrote that Trump had made him an alien. “On 1st January this year, Her Majesty The Queen made me a Knight of the Realm. On 27th January, President Donald Trump seems to have made me an alien.”

In January 2017, he was honoured by Queen Elizabeth II  when she bestowed him with the title of a Knight.  “I was welcomed into Britain from Somalia at eight years old and given the chance to succeed and realise my dreams. I have been proud to represent my country, win medals for the British people and receive the greatest honour of a knighthood,” he wrote on Facebook.

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Farah currently resides in Portland, Oregon with his wife Tania Nell and four children – twin daughters Aisha and Amani and a son Hussein and Nell’s daughter Rihanna. “It’s deeply troubling that I will have to tell my children that Daddy might not be able to come home - to explain why the President has introduced a policy that comes from a place of ignorance and prejudice,” he added.

The Olympic gold-medalist trains at the famous Nike Oregon Project in Portland. “I am a British citizen who has lived in America for the past six years - working hard, contributing to society, paying my taxes and bringing up our four children in the place they now call home.”

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This article originally appeared in the People.

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