Reckless turn: Two girls, teacher killed as truck rams into school

Three other students injured, truck driver arrested

A truck rammed into a school killing a teacher and two students and injuring three others in the Bagh district of AJK. PHOTO: INP

A class break to enjoy warm sunshine at a school in Bagh district of AJK ended in horror when a truck veered off the road and came crashing into the school killing two girls and their teacher.

Another three girls were also injured in the tragedy that has shaken the small community of Birpani town in Baagh district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

According to police and eyewitnesses, the driver had lost control of the truck loaded with flour sacks. The vehicle skidded off the slippery road and rammed in to the Government Girls Middle School Birpai. The truck driver has been arrested, police said.

Alarmed by the bang and the cries of children the local people rushed to the spot, pulled out the victims from under the truck and rushed them to the nearest hospital.

According to doctors at District Headquarters Hospital Bagh, two bodies of girls, a woman and three injured girls were brought to the health facility. All the injured were now in stable condition.

Surviving victims said that they had asked their teacher to give the class a break so that they could go out in the sun. It was very cold inside and they wanted to enjoy some sunshine.

However, as they were playing in the schoolyard, a truck came barrelling down the road and hit the school. There was blood on snow, an eyewitness said.

AJK President Sardar Masood Khan and Education Minister Barrister Iftikahr Geelani expressed grief and sorrow over the demise of the students and their teacher and prayed for their early recovery of the injured. They directed the Bagh district administration to provide free treatment to the injured and deliver the compensation cheques to the deceased students’ parents on time.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 14th, 2017.
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