8 skincare tips you need to follow right away

Giving full attention to face and body by following a few processes can make your life easy and skin healthier


Taking care of your skin is something everyone wants to follow religiously. But many of us tend to ignore our skin in our everyday routine. Giving full attention to face and body by following a few processes like cleaning makeup brushes to washing properly after exercise can make your life easy and skin healthier.

Suruchi Puri, consultant dermatologist and director at Medi Makeovers, suggests some  skin care resolutions which are a must.

1. Always clean makeup brushes
Ideally, clean your makeup brushes once a week if you are using them often as dirty tools can build up bacteria which can lead to acne and other skin problems.

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2. Do proper research before buying any product
The advertisements look so tempting that we often get convinced and spend thousands of rupees on products which are not even required or suitable for our skin type. Always make sure to do thorough research before buying cosmetics.

3. Never ignore your body
We are often so focused on our face that we tend to neglect the rest of our body. Taking a bath is just one process, your body needs more care. Opt for a body scrub weekly, moisturiser and body massage can be the best gift for your body.

4. Stick to one beauty regimen 

A good treatment or routine needs five to six weeks for to start taking effect so don't lose your patience. Never experiment with two-three treatments simultaneously.

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5. See a dermatologist
Skin professionals can provide tailored advice while technically testing your skin problems or signs. A well-trained expert can suggest the right products and treatment which save you time and money.

6. Don’t starve your face
Use a little moisturiser, that too, every five-six hours if you have dry or semi-dry skin. Even normal skin needs moisturising at least twice a day.

7. Always clean up after gym
Yes, losing calories in the gym is an achievement but that should not let your skin take a hit. Many gyms or sports clubs don't have clean showers, which could be a major reason for acne. Hence, swipe your face, back and neck after exercise and change the clothes if you don't have a shower and wash up as soon as you reach home.

8. Don’t touch your face unnecessarily
We can't always resist touching our faces but we will have to stop. That dirt from your fingers transfers to your skin and leads to breakouts.

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