Horoscope: January 7, 2017

Your stars today!

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

As an Aries, you have a strong intuitive streak. The irony is, while you may sense what’s best, you’ll sometimes ignore those instincts and do something that you feel is more original. Try that now and you’ll not only complicate matters, that approach could also cost you handsomely in financial terms.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Sooner or later you’ll have to confront certain contentious individuals about situations in which they’ve cornered you into doing things their way. But, as is abundantly clear, this isn’t the ideal time. In fact, you’re better off waiting until circumstances force these issues. There’ll be no choice but to talk them through.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

The timing for undertaking certain worthwhile changes or new ideas just hasn’t been right. Now, happily, courageous Mars and Venus, which accent both money and relationships, are in the portion of your chart that has to do with such matters. This indicates you’ll turn these into reality, and swiftly.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

If ever there was a time when debating the facts of certain already complex matters was pointless, it’s now. Not only is Mercury’s retrograde cycle ending, the coming Cancer Full Moon is heightening your already strong concerns about the situation. For now, back off, wait and watch. Decisions can and should wait.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Few things annoy you more than those who waste time discussing the details of arrangements involving matters that haven’t yet been agreed. However, while certain individuals actually find exploring ideas of this nature enjoyable, you don’t. Say that politely, then turn your attention to those activities that actually interest you.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Life would be wonderful if there was a single, simple solution for the issues you’re facing. But with your ruler Mercury retrograde and, therefore, triggering confusion in even straightforward matters, this is no time to dwell on details. If you must reorganise plans, stick to the big picture. The rest can wait.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

Some difficulties respond to logic. But those you’re currently facing are far more complex and, for this reason, are best tackled from an intuitive perspective. While some may laugh at this, your instincts are already telling you what’s wise, what’s not and who you can trust in the long run.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

In the situations you’re dealing with now, there’s a fine line between decisions you hope will last and those considered to be final. Tempting as it is to try to achieve the latter, with so much in transition, it’s unrealistic. Instead, aim to get things organised. That’s the best bet.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

The end of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, on the 8th, means everybody’s life will be little easier. However, this will be particularly the case for you, because since the 4th, it’s been positioned in Sagittarius. Celebrate but also pause to reflect on what you’ve learnt from the errors it’s triggered.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

Although the actual Full Moon isn’t until Thursday the 12th, you and those around you are experiencing the sense of both anticipation and excitement it triggers. This is no surprise, since it’s accompanied by powerful planetary activity. Better yet, this will be ushering in bigtime ideas, offers and opportunities and influences everybody.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

You’ve reached a fork in the road. Taking one path means, inevitably, leaving the other behind and, in the process, saying farewell to certain plans, dreams and, possibly, relationships. Difficult as this is, waste no time trying to figure out how to keep both going. It simply can’t be done.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

Sometimes the best plan is one that, from the outset, takes into account the unexpected. This is certainly the case now. Unsettling as the coming week’s planetary activity may be, the changes it’s ushering in will be thrilling. The more flexible your attitude and arrangements, the better advantage you’ll take of them.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 7th, 2017.
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