8 times you're happy when you get more than you bargained for

That extra chicken nugget will always make your day!

Usually when you get more than you bargained for it's seen as a bad thing. You get more work than you bargained for at your new job, or you thought you could take care of your baby brother but you got more than you bargained for. There are however times when you’re happy about getting more than you bargained for. When you expect something less but get more than you bargained for and that too in a good way!

Here are 8 times when you’re happy about getting more than what you bargained for:

1. When you win a bargaining match with a stubborn clothes seller and not only get what you want but he gives you extra Kapra just to make you go away

2. When you get an extra chicken nugget in your meal which usually qualifies as the best day ever!

3. When you get upgraded on a plane

4. When you enter a restaurant and find out the meal you ordered has a great deal with it

5. When you buy a phone expecting it to have certain features but you find out you're getting the same phone with upgraded features! 

6. When the waiter messes up your order and the restaurant gives you free fries

7. When you check your account balance and find a bonus in your pay

8. When you get a birthday card on your birthday and find money in it. 

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