Horoscope: December 21, 2016

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Facts may be facts. However, when Mercury is retrograde, as it is now and will be until 8 January, minor errors can make you wonder whether certain information is reliable and, equally, whether others are being careless about details. Instead of wondering and worrying, simply expect the unexpected. It’s much easier.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Little is more upsetting than being accused by somebody of being responsible for something that, quite simply, you had nothing to do with. For now, firmly but briefly inform the individual in question they’re mistaken. Then back off. Soon events will clear up that confusion, and you’ll need to say nothing more.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

Although this is a complicated week during an unsettling period, you can’t help but notice the talk of good ideas or even exciting opportunities. Judging by the powerful and positive planetary activity between now and the new year, these aren’t just for real, they’ll come together swiftly. Knowing that, explore them now.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

It’s the rare Cancerian who needs to have the last word, even when others have been doing all they can to be provocative. Yet at the moment you’re urged to adopt a strong stance, if not speak out about certain issues. Don’t make the mistake of assuming others know what you think.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Almost everybody’s heard of Mercury’s retrograde cycle but that doesn’t mean they know what it signifies. While you needn’t worry about the disastrous events some predict, it’s worth paying attention to seemingly minor errors. Ask a few questions and you’ll uncover information that isn’t just exciting, it could explain what’s behind numerous misunderstandings.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Long ago you realised not everybody regards having all the facts lined up before undertaking a plan or project as important. However, if you’re in any way involved, you’ve a right to at least express your concerns. Unwelcome as your observations are now, eventually others will thank you, and bigtime.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

For you, the phrase ‘talking things over’ means exactly that, an exchange of ideas. But for one particular individual is signifies the time has come to air their views, and that means everybody else is expected to listen. And in silence. Be patient. Once that’s over, they’ll happily discuss things with others.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

Planning ahead may be a virtue and, better yet, knowing what to expect can be a relief. True, the events promised by this weekend’s powerful planetary activity are likely to be disruptive. Still, once you’ve learnt more about them, instead of being annoyed by the resulting chaos, you’ll welcome it.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

Part of the fun of exploring new ideas and meeting new people is what you learn in the process of getting acquainted with them. It’s worth bearing in mind that with Mercury retrograde, there’s every possibility you’ll misunderstand something others say or, equally, they’ll misunderstand what’s you’re discussing or suggesting.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

While, ordinarily, it’s good to get as much organised as you can, especially during busy times of the year, you’re urged to ensure any plans are flexible. This will mean you can easily respond to the amazing ideas and offers promised by the rare and powerful planetary activity over the coming week.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

As much as you enjoy hearing about what others are up to and exploring new ideas, actually rearranging elements of your life is quite another matter. Yet judging by the current powerful planetary activity, which involves your ruler Uranus, you’ll not only be doing exactly that, it will be very soon.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

On the 19th the planet of action, courage and energy, Mars, moved into Pisces, to remain until late January. During this period it’ll be far easier to confront others and, equally, you’ll find you’re increasingly impatient with your own excuses for putting things off. In other words, you’ll get a lot done.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 21st, 2016.
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