Militant killed as FC foils terror bid in Kurram Agency

Militants were planning large-scale terrorist activities in Hangu and Thall areas, says LEA


Foiling the militants' attempt to infiltrate into Pakistan from the Afghan side, the Frontier Corps (FC) killed at least one terrorist in Lower Kurram, Fata on Thursday.

The militants were planning large-scale terrorist activities in Hangu and Thall areas, the law enforcement agency said in a statement.

Militancy eliminated from FATA, says corps commander

During the exchange of fire, arms and ammunition were also recovered from the militants, including one sub-machine gun with five magazines and 145 rounds, one SMG bandolier and two grenades.

On November 19, Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Hidayatur Rehman said that militancy has been successfully eliminated from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) but there are still safe havens for terrorists across the border in Afghanistan. From these safe havens militants have been known to launch attacks in Pakistan.

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