It runs in the family: Aleeha Danyal and Nayab Danyal

Aleeha Danyal, dentist, and Nayab Danyal, student, take us down memory lane

Aleeha Danyal, dentist, and Nayab Danyal, student, take us down memory lane. From gate crashing weddings together to bonding with Honey Singh in a vegetable shop in London, these sisters seem to have been together through thick and thin!

What is your first memory of each other?

Aleeha: I’m not sure if it’s my own memory or I remember only because I’ve been told by several people, but when she was born, I was furious and I kept asking my mother why they had prayed for her when they already had me. I might have tried to break a lamp or two.

Nayab: On Aleeha’s sixth birthday a thunderstorm came. I remember she held onto the window grill for dear life, and kept crying and saying “ghar urh jaye ga!” She didn’t let go for an hour; I think she saw The Wizard of Oz one too many times.

What is the craziest thing you have done together?

Aleeha: We were coming back from dinner one day and saw a wedding going on near our house. We stopped the car, crashed the wedding, ran on the stage, took a selfie with the couple, and ran out as fast as we could.

Nayab: We were in a restaurant in London, and I saw Honey Singh through the window. I screamed and ran out, but Aleeha didn’t realise what had happened and ran after me on the street, leaving all our shopping in the restaurant. We followed him into a vegetable shop and not only did he take selfies with us, but we also bonded quite a bit.

What did you get punished for the most as a child?

Aleeha: I was always running around, creating trouble, not doing my homework and hitting my siblings.

Nayab: For not understanding what my mother was trying to teach me for days. I was a careless child.

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, from the others closet, what would it be?

Aleeha: Her leather jacket, which I conveniently forget isn’t mine.

Nayab: I would wear her LMDC basketball jersey, because I wear it as a night suit shirt, and I can be in my night suit forever.

If you could swap places with each other, what is the first thing you would do?

Aleeha: I’d live the day as she does, while writing everything in a journal, so I can cross analyse later on. I would also pull pranks on as many people as possible.

Nayab: I would go on a food expedition. I’d enjoy the satisfaction and she’d get the calories. It’s perfect.

What is the one thing you love about your sister?

Aleeha: I love that she’s on the same wavelength as me. We both have the same reactions to most things.

Nayab: I love her determination (when she’s not being lazy). She knows what she wants and she’ll get it too.

If you are fighting with each other, how do you make up?

Aleeha: I tend to forgive easily and she holds grudges (sometimes for weeks), so I’m usually the one who gives in, even though it’s always her fault! I go to her and pretend like nothing ever happened.

Nayab: We don’t fight. If we ever do, we just act as if nothing happened in the first place after a while. Our fights don’t last very long.

What is the one secret talent your sister has, that you wish you had too?

Aleeha: Her ability to find and create outfits. I have a habit of forgetting things that I’ve bought, and only remember them, when she has them on!

Nayab: I wish I could master her art of Snapchatting. I don’t know when she opens the camera, when she captures the moment and how she uploads them in a second. She is the queen of Snapchat and everyone knows it.

Describe your sister in three words:

Aleeha: Confident, witty and moody.

Nayab: She’s a rebel.

Which fictional character is your sister most like?

Aleeha: Donald Duck — grumpy with a lot of quacking. Also, the short legs!

Nayab: Sleeping beauty.

How are your personalities similar?

Aleeha: We share a love for food, movies and cheap Bollywood songs. We talk the same way and say the same things, but also have completely different personalities.

Nayab: We both love food and Bollywood! We communicate through dialogues and sing the oldest Indian songs together — even the instrumental parts.

I can’t live without my sister because…

Aleeha: Siblings are irreplaceable.

Nayab: She is a part of me.
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