Quick fixes: 6 fitness hacks that’ll make you healthier by tomorrow

There are some tricks you can try right now and get healthier and fitter by tomorrow morning

It’s no breaking news that great fitness requires some serious hard work and sacrifice. That’s probably why we hate it so much. No one likes to wake up at 7am and run for miles or choose a salad over deliciously warm and cheesy lasagna. If you do, then good on you! But we’ve got to say… you’re probably a lone ranger here.

Thankfully, there are some tricks you can try right now and get healthier and fitter by tomorrow morning. You might not wake up with Jennifer-Lopez-grade abs but you’ll definitely feel better – maybe even good enough for that dreaded morning run. As compiled from GQ magazine, here are seven quick fixes to make you healthier before the sun rises next.

1. Try a warm, green juice

What if we told you that you could drink something that would prevent cancer, reduce the risk of heart diseases, cut your flab and boost exercise performance? Sounds good, doesn’t it? Drink a cup of matcha in the morning for maximum benefits. This is a special kind of green tea that you will likely thank us for later.

2. Stretch and use a foam roller before bed

You should prep yourself before hitting the sack by doing a few minutes of light foam rolling and stretching. When you do, those chronically tight and tender muscles will feel lighter and your body will relieve its tension and prime itself for a morning workout.

3. Power off, literally

We all know that electronics hamper sleep because the blue-tinted screens simulate daylight and keep your brain awake. Why not go old school and read something solid, like a book or maybe a magazine? If you can’t do without your phone, try setting your screens to turn yellow once the sun goes down. iPhone-users can simply turn on Night Shift in the Settings menu and Android-users download the Twilight app.

4. Get some more sun

Adequate amounts of Vitamin D reduce the risk for diabetes, heart disease and prostate cancer. Not to mention, it’ll increase your testosterone and help you sleep both faster and deeper. So try to squeeze in a walk outdoors or simply sit in the sun for a little while every day. It can really brighten up your mood too!

5. Make your bedroom into a cavern

Walk over to the thermostat and turn it down. The human body likes a lower temperature while sleeping and a chillier room makes one fall asleep faster and better too. Light messes with your sleep patterns so buy a sleep mask or invest in blackout shades —whatever’s easiest for blocking out all light.

6. Kick off your shoes once you’re in the house

Your feet are home to 25% of your bones and a massive network of ligaments and nerves. By walking barefoot more, you’ll improve your foot mechanics and decrease the pressure on your hips and knees. You’ll also increase the range of motion of your ankle, which can prevent injuries and save you some embarrassing moment while playing pickup basketball.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 17th, 2016.

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