Celebrating anti sexual harassment law

Alliance Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace (AASHA) and working women from various walks of life will come together on Tuesday to celebrate passing of anti sexual harassment legislation, after nine years of struggle by the organisation.

They will also share framework for effective implementation of the laws.

The evening will be attended by media hosts Sania Saeed, Huma Shah, Anjum Rahman and Ayesha Sana who have been partners in the struggle.

Parliamentarians from all political parties will be honoured for their support for the passage of the bill.

It is also an effort to appreciate the government for making this historic progress towards ensuring women empowerment.

Working women from all fields of life particularly from police, private sector, medical and education departments will share testimonies on positive impact of these laws on their personal and professional lives.

The event being held at the auditorium of Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA),will be interspersed with skits by renowned actors, short video clips and music, and poetry.

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