Who watches the watchmen?

Pakistan's security situation has given LEAs carte blanche to do as they see fit all in name of protecting citizens


In the world of databases maintained by both private and government entities, it has become practically impossible to live without leaving any kind of digital footprint. These records are used for relatively benign purposes like targeted marketing, however, there have been too many hacks and identity thefts to ever ignore the possibility of our data being misused. In Pakistan, the largest and most comprehensive database of citizens’ personal information is maintained by NADRA. This data has been coupled with biometrically verified SIMs, ostensibly to improve criminal surveillance but also making ordinary citizens vulnerable to unwanted and continuous scrutiny.

Keeping track of individuals’ activities is not just restricted to Pakistan since law-enforcement agencies (LEAs) in other countries also watch over masses of data to trace potential threats. The right to privacy is not quite understood in our country, even in name let alone in deed and there are few safeguards put in place for protecting innocent civilians from unnecessary breaches of their personal information.

The security situation of our country has given LEAs carte blanche to do as they see fit all in the name of protecting citizens but questions must be raised regarding the measures put in place within these LEAs to ensure that data is not exploited. Mishandling of records is still a genuine concern particularly with regard to NADRA and the more these records are coupled with other information like cell phone numbers and bank accounts, the bigger these concerns become. Even though there is now supposedly a law in place to prevent cyber crime, it too concerns itself with giving authorities unrestricted access to personal information as well as allowing them to share it with foreign partners. Meanwhile, harmless activities of internet users can now be classified as criminal acts. It must be remembered that these changes have taken place largely without the knowledge or informed consent of ordinary citizens which is perhaps most alarming of all.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 19th, 2016.

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