Watch: Robert De Niro bashes 'stupid' Trump, says he would 'punch him in the face'

The video has been recorded as part of a campaign to encourage people to get out and vote


Following a 2005 recording of the Republican's lewd remarks about women, veteran actor Robert De Niro has lashed out at Donald Trump, saying he would “like to punch him in the face”.

“I mean he is so blatantly stupid. He’s a punk, a dog, he’s a pig,” the Hollywood actor said in a Vice Exclusives video. “Colin Powell [former secretary of state] said it best: he's a national disaster. He’s an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has. He talks how he'd like to punch people in the face?... Well, I'd like to punch him in the face.”

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The video was recorded as part of a campaign to encourage people to get out and vote.

De Niro concluded, “This is somebody that we want for president? I don’t think so. “What I care about is the direction of this country and what I’m very, very worried about is that it might go in the wrong direction with someone like Donald Trump. If you care about your future, vote for it.”

Although many celebrities have spoken against Trump, he still has the support of American former professional boxer, Mike Tyson, Belgian actor Jean Claude Van Damme and singer Azealia Banks.

A stream of Republican leaders denounced Trump's remarks, which threaten his already shaky standing with women voters just a month ahead of the November 8 presidential election.

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Scrambling to prevent his campaign from falling apart, Trump released a hastily prepared video apology, expressing regret about the comments and claiming he was a ‘changed man’.


In the controversial recording, Trump boasted in vulgar terms about trying to have sex with an unidentified married woman and groping women. Talking about his attraction to beautiful women, the Republican candidate said: “”I just start kissing them… And when you’re a star they let you do it.”

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The conversation was recorded in 2005 while Trump was speaking with TV host Billy Bush of ‘Access Hollywood’ while they were about to tape a segment about a planned cameo appearance by the New York businessman on the soap opera ‘Days of Our Lives’.

This article originally appeared on Telegraph
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