Pleasant weather: Rain brings respite from heat

The weather would allow the public to come out of their homes on the festive occasion

Sunday’s rain was accompanied by lightening and thunderstorm. PHOTO: ONLINE

A light shower accompanied by dust storm on Sunday evening brought the mercury down in the city after several days of heat.

It is expected that the precipitation would make Eidul Azha pleasant for residents.

At about 6:30pm the residents witnessed strong winds along with dust, which was followed by a spell of light rain for half an hour.

Moreover, the much-awaited rain brought a sigh of relief for both cattle sellers and purchasers in Rawalpindi.

The weather is expected to remain pleasant on Monday when a large number of citizens are expected to visit cattle markets to purchase sacrificial animals, which happens to be a day before Eidul Azha.

The rain’s effect is expected to prolong to Eid day. The weather would allow the public to come out of their homes on the festive occasion.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 12th, 2016.

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