Horoscope: September 12, 2016

Your stars today

Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Although you don’t mind a good battle, and in fact tend to feel that having things out clears the air, you’re well aware that confrontations upset certain individuals. Still, if increasingly tense matters aren’t discussed frankly, and soon, the tensions will continue to grow until there really is no choice.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Now that Jupiter, the planet that’s all about good fortune, has joined your ruler Venus in accenting certain complex situations, it’s highly likely that things will simply work out. True, how and when may not be remotely what you expected. But Jupiter’s about solutions, not about life being predictable.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

If you haven’t already noticed it, you soon will. That’s the tendency of others to blame every problem they encounter on your ruler Mercury’s retrograde cycle. While it’s true it triggers minor errors, they are exactly that, minor. And, bizarrely, they’ll often lead discussions as productive as they are informative.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

To you, as a Cancerian and somebody ruled by the Moon, the power of emotions in everyday life is obvious. But, as you’re well aware, certain individuals aren’t just oblivious to these cycles, they insist they’re not influenced by their own emotional ups and downs. Say nothing, at least for now.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Planetary activity since early September has been both challenging and demanding, in the sense that you’ve had to make numerous decisions based on limited information. Hopefully you realised that, because it’s such an unsettled month, those arrangements should be flexible. If so, you’ll have no problem dealing with this week’s changes.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

True, between early September’s Virgo eclipsed New Moon, and your ruler Mercury being retrograde, in your sign, you’ve faced a series of challenging events. Looking back, however, you’ll probably realise how much you learnt from each. Remember that and you’ll turn this week’s twists and turns to your advantage.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

While it’s worth celebrating the arrival of fortunate Jupiter in Libra, especially as it takes twelve years to make its way around the zodiac, the blessings it’s bringing your way might not be immediately obvious. Initially, in fact, you may be more aware of what’s going than what’s next.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

Others seem happy to take life as it comes. As a thoughtful Scorpio, you’d rather have a master plan. Yet as you’ve discovered over the past weeks, even the simplest of arrangements are unlikely to last as you conceived them. Although adopting a relaxed approach isn’t  natural, for now, it’s best.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed during Mercury’s retrograde cycle, as is the case now and until the 22nd, there’s a tendency for everybody to blame all their problems on that single, very small, planet. Its focus is communication, no more. Difficulties of another variety are just that, problems of an everyday nature.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

You often forget that most people don’t care as much as you about getting things right. This is the case now, and even more, you’re recognising that if you leave certain tasks to others, you might need to step in. Instead, give the individual in question pointers about what’s needed. It may work.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

You’re naturally inquisitive.  But there’s another side of your nature that struggles to keep things as they are. However, events are bringing substantial changes. The irony is, you’re rather excited about these. The trick is discussing matters with your unconscious. That’s the part that will put up a fight.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

Leaving potentially troublesome matters unresolved may worry you, but that’s exactly what you’re being urged to do. Why? You’re in the period between two eclipses, the second of which is the Pisces eclipsed Full Moon, on the 16th, which will alter circumstances as much as it does your priorities.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 12th, 2016.
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