Five ways to rid your house of that awful 'bakra smell'

Easy home hacks to make your house smell great this festive season

Easy home hacks to make your house smell great this festive season. PHOTO: PROPERTY.COM

Eid-ul-Azha brings in lots of meat and joy but with that comes the trouble of looking after the animals we pet for weeks. Its an arduous job to constantly make sure that one's house remains spotless and does not smell like a barn, to say the least.

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The Express Tribune compiled a few house hacks to help you make the most of the festivities without worrying about the stench that comes with your beloved animal.

Baking soda is your best friend 

Baking soda mixed with vinegar can help remove stains and get rid of the smell. Mix them in a spraying bottle and spray where necessary. Not only can it be used as a natural air freshener (leave an open box on the counter), it can also remove odours from fabrics, furniture and even litter boxes.


Citrus cleanser

You'll need:

7 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 ½ cups of lemon and orange peels/scraps
1 litre of water
A bottle or clear container large enough to hold the liquid and peels/scraps

Add them in a jar and store it airtight for a few weeks. Once the liquid mixes in well, use a spray to spread the fragrant concoction.

Or you can buy a cleaner from your nearest drugstore.


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Use a quality pet neutraliser

Buy a product made for specifically removing animal odour. The spray can help eradicate the stench and make your home smell fresh.


Clean the area where animals are kept

Add a few drops of non-toxic dirt spray or cleanser to a wet mop and clean the area. That will help get rid of the accumulated dirt and any foul smell.


Scented candles for fresh fragrance

Post baking soda spray, the best thing you can do to make your house smell heavenly are scented candles.

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