Horoscope: August 29, 2016

Your stars today

Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

A few days ago, your ruler Mars encountered the tough Saturn. While, at the time, events or discussions may have been irritating or seemed unfair, since then you’ve realised they were forcing you to venture into new, unfamiliar but potentially rewarding territory. The more you explore, the more you’ll benefit.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

If ever there was a time to be forthright about both what you’d like to achieve in the present and, equally, dreams for the future, it’s now. The spectacular links between both your ruler Venus and Mercury with fortunate Jupiter suggest those thoughts, ideas and dreams could become reality, possibly overnight.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

While nothing and nobody can undermine the powerful links between your ruler Mercury and Jupiter, both on 22 August and now, you won’t always be able to spot how you’ll benefit from events right away. Knowing that, explore everything, dismiss nothing and, most important, ignore those who insist you must be cautious.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

The trick to dealing with the current eclipsed New Moon, which is more about unexpected events than the usual fresh start, is to forget about planning. In fact, rather than considering what might go or what’s next, instead keep an open mind. That prepares you best for the coming surprises.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Now that your ruler the Sun has moved to accent life’s practicalities, you’ll be doing your sums. While this focuses on financial matters, you’ll be devoting just as much attention to whether you’re using your ideas, time and even your emotions wisely. What you learn could be of pivotal significance.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Planning ahead may be a virtue and, better yet, give you the impression you’re in control. While, usually, that’s the case, between your ruler Mercury going retrograde and Thursday’s eclipsed New Moon, and with both in Virgo, life’s about exploration, change and discovery. If you must make arrangements, ensure they’re flexible.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

For weeks you’ve kept certain potentially crucial facts to yourself. While you’d have been happy to discuss them, others were so deeply involved in pressing dramas they clearly couldn’t cope with anything else. While the actual circumstances aren’t much calmer, you’re confident others are ready to handle these matters.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

Usually you’ve a knack for figuring out ways around obstacles, whatever their nature. But now, and as you move through the tricky days of early September, you’re urged to confront difficulties head on. And ask questions. What you learn, and do, about those problems could prevent them becoming more troublesome later.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

Even you, as a quick-thinking Sagittarius, could easily be overwhelmed by the coming weeks’ twists and turns. With Mercury retrograde until 22 September, there’ll be the usual confusion. But also, with your own ruling planet Jupiter moving into a new sign late next week, you, personally, can expect all sorts of surprises.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

Having just been cornered into undertaking tasks or making future commitments that aren’t exactly thrilling, you’re grumpy. And trying to escape them. Don’t even think of it. Bizarrely, these and several other unappealing situations are introducing you to ideas or people as unanticipated as they will prove to be fortunate.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

Although you learnt about, and dealt with, a range of issues at the time of the powerful Aquarius Full Moon, nearly two weeks ago, you’ve questions about several as yet unresolved matters. It would be no surprise if the events triggered by September’s eclipses, on the 1st and 16th, bring these to light.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

While the retrograde Mercury triggers confusion for every sign, the fact it accents those you’re close to, personally and in business, heightens the likelihood of misunderstandings. Although some may expose issues you didn’t realise existed, a few could be so complex they’ll require considerable time and patience on your part.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 29th, 2016.
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