Gilani holds talks with BNP

Express May 08, 2010


Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani urged Baloch nationalist leaders to hold talks with the government, so that any grievances that exist may be cleared.

He revealed this while speaking to media outside BNP Leader Mengal's residence, where the two held a meeting.

During the meeting, Gilani assured Mengal that the names of all Baloch leaders, except those whom the government has reservations about, would be excluded from Exit Control List.

He further requested the BNP leader to convince other Baloch leaders to hold talks with the government.

Baloch Nationalist Leader Sardar Ataullah Mengal questioned the sincerity of PM Gilani's claims, saying if he was really concerned about Balochistan, he would know about its grievances.


Ali Haider | 14 years ago | Reply Tribune has been showing comments from Altaf Hussain apparently on something that PM has said. I would request tribune to please break the suspense and let the world know what the PM said that sparked the Altaf Hussain. Just updating the ticker does not do much at times. Thank you.
Syed A. Mateen | 14 years ago | Reply Balochistan is an important province of Pakistan. It is as important as it can be any other province of the country. It is unfortunate that previous governments did not paid any heed to make the necessary infrastructure for the development in Balochistan and this is the main reason that today Baloch youth feel that they have been deprived off from their basic rights. This has led to a struggle between the Balochistan province and the federal capital. On the other hand the Baloch Sardars did not accept the offers made to them by the federal capital from time to time. It is up to the youth of Balochistan to decide own fate. If they will go along hand in hand with the federal capital their province will prosper, otherwise in the coming decades the situation will remain unchanged. Baloch leaders should not make hostage the poor people of Balochistan and let the poor people of Balochistan and youth of today to think and act in a manner that Balochistan should prosper like any other province of Pakistan. Today the world has become a global village and people of Balochistan knows very well that Baloch Sardars and Vaderas has made them hostage of their old fashioned and oppressive ideas.
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