Police station attack: Terrorism case against PML-N leader sought

Hanif Abbasi led workers to attack New Town Police Station, cops confirm

Former MNA Hanif Abbasi

Fifteen police officers confirmed on Tuesday that over 400 PML-N workers led by former MNA Hanif Abbasi attacked New Town police station on night of August 10 in a bid to release three boys arrested on charges of one wheeling.

The police officers appeared before Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Sardar Ghias Gul, who was appointed inquiry officer (IO) by Regional Police Officer Wisal Fakhar Sultan Raja. Earlier, City Police Officer Israr Ahmed Abbasi had appointed Muhammad Iqbal, superintendent of police for City Circle as the IO for the incident.

One of the police officers who appeared before the CTO told The Express Tribune that they had given statements informing the IO that over 400 men led by Abbasi attacked the police station and ransacked the front desk room.

He said that the police officers including former station house officer (SHO) Ghulam Asghar Chandio stated that Metro Bus Chairman Abbasi was unhappy with the police for arresting three young party workers from outside a marriage hall on 6th Road, where local PML-N leaders were holding a youth convention. He added that the PML-N leader came to the police station to secure the release of the boys, who were arrested for wheeling and rash driving.

The police officer said that the former MNA expressed his annoyance with the SHO when the police refused to release the arrested boys, who had already been booked.

The police officers further informed the IO that refusal by the SHO infuriated Abbasi and the PML-N workers. The workers smashed window panes and threw away case files in the front desk room. The ex-MNA also threatened the SHO with dire consequences if he did not cooperate with him.

The police officers in their statements had proposed that the IO register a terrorism case against the attackers, among other charges.

The police officers further said that the IO had also obtained CCTV footage from the New Town police.

In a related development, PTI Punjab MPA Asif Mehmood submitted an adjournment motion in the provincial assembly against the alleged attack by the PML-N workers on the police station.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 17th, 2016.

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