Marvel's new issue features Justin Trudeau as superhero

The PM's late father, Pierre Trudeau, graced the cover of Uncanny X-Men in 1979

The PM's late father, Pierre Trudeau, graced the cover of Uncanny X-Men in 1979. COVER

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, known for hugging giant pandas, breaking fast with Muslims, and identifying as a feminist, has now reached a new level of fame by being featured in Marvel's new comic.

The variant cover of Marvel’s August issue, Civil War II: Choosing Sides, will feature Justin as a Marvel hero along with Canadian superhero squad, Alpha Flight.

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The 44-year-old is shown on the cover, sitting in a boxing ring, wearing a maple leaf tank top, red boxing gloves and black shorts.


Other superheroes on the cover include, Puck, Sasquatch, Aurora and Iron Man.

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Toronto-based cartoonist Ramón Pérez who drew the comic, didn’t want to do a 'stuffy cover,' reports Guardian.

“I wanted to kind of evoke a little bit of what’s different about him than other people in power right now. You don’t see [Barack] Obama strutting around in boxing gear, doing push-ups in commercials or whatnot,” said Ramón.

Cartoonist Ramón Pérez. PHOTO: BUZZFEED

Ramón explains why he chose Justin Trudeau for the cover.

"He’s a social icon, with a youthful demographic, and a contemporary outlook," Buzzfeed reports the cartoonist as saying.

He took inspiration from Trudeau's pictures to create his character.

“There’s a particular twinkle in the PM’s eye, and his smile is quite characteristic,” he said.

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Several politicians in the past have made it to the Marvel cover. Justin's late father Pierre Trudeau, was featured on a comic cover, Uncanny X-Men, in 1979 and US President Barack Obama was seen on the cover of Secret Invasion #8 in 2009 .

Marvel’s Civil War II: Choosing Sides will be available on August 31.

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