Horoscope: July 4, 2016

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel July 04, 2016
Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 19

While you’re undoubtedly familiar with Mercury’s retrograde cycle, your own ruling planet Mars has just completed its own period of backwards movement. While it’s often been frustrating, you’ve learnt a lot, far more than you realise, in fact. As those insights surface, they’ll transform your perspective, if not your life.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

Certain tricky issues need to be discussed, but the time has never been right. Now that these are in the spotlight, others are already presenting their side. While there’s no easy way to tackle this, expressing your view will be a huge relief. The sooner you speak up, the better.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

Now that your ruler Mercury has joined the Sun and Venus in the financial angle of your chart, certain practicalities are pressing. While you may already have been discussing these, you’ll soon need to make decisions. Line up your facts now, so you’re ready to think and move swiftly.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

Although there’s a New Moon every month, which kick-starts a fresh cycle, the current one is in Cancer. You’ve probably already been thinking about what should go and what’s next. The more you leave behind, the clearer the path will be to the exciting experiences and encounters awaiting you.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

For ages you’ve known you’d have to make one particularly tricky decision, but put it off in the hope circumstances would change. They haven’t. Rather, events are about to force your hand. Raise this now, while you can make it seem natural, and you could resolve it with unanticipated ease.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

You can deal with almost anything, as long as you understand it. Recently, however, certain situations have foxed you. The nature of the issues and the grumpy attitude of the individuals involved just didn’t make sense. What you learn now will both explain these and justify you steering clear of them.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

With the Sun, Mercury and your ruler Venus all accenting the structure of your life, the time has come to at least explore potential changes. Better yet, because the current New Moon focuses on these, and brings a fresh perspective, you’ll be in the right frame of mind to commit to those changes.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

The power of last week’s link between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Pluto really can’t be underestimated. Not only will it have triggered extraordinary events then, you’re still benefitting from the fallout, and probably in several forms. That being the case, you may need to rethink plans, possibly several times.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

It’s not that you’re stubborn but, rather, because you’re a creative thinker, you’re usually able to find a way around any obstacle. However, those you’re currently facing are forcing you to deal with certain matters you’d been resolutely ignoring. These won’t go away. Tackle them now or they’ll only get worse.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

Sometimes obstacles are no more than that, difficulties to be dealt with and left behind. However, those you’re contending with are actually challenging you to overcome certain fears about venturing into new territory, personally, emotionally or professionally. This won’t be easy but will result in a real breakthrough.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

When you’re told something you want to do requires patience, if you’re given good reason, you’ll wait. But lately you’ve been uncharacteristically on edge, and not only unwilling to hold back, but unreasonable about other matters too. The real challenge is recognising that being demanding won’t make things happen more swiftly.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Nothing and nobody can undermine the power of the series of stunning alignments between Venus, the Sun and Mercury, all with your ruler Neptune. Both your past efforts and new ideas will fall into place, often magically. Unfortunately, however, this won’t help others, which could mean their difficulties cause you delays.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 4th, 2016.


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