On paper: 1,208 out of 3,028 seminaries registered

Many students in the seminaries belong to low income backgrounds in neglected districts

Many students in the seminaries belong to low income backgrounds in neglected districts. PHOTO: REUTERS

Out of the 3,028 seminaries in various parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, the government’s registers have information on only 1,208. The information was shared by officials of Auqaf Department with The Express Tribune.

The officials said the provincial government, with the help of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, has also collected information about over 1,800 seminaries that are not registered. They added these unregistered seminaries were either functioning in mosques or were based on one or two classrooms.

Student strength

As per official data, the strength of students in registered seminaries is around 300,000, including 6,928 foreigners. Most of these foreigners belong to Afghanistan, but are living is different parts of K-P, along with their family members and relatives.

The seminaries also house orphans who have lost bread earners of their families in different acts of violence. Many students in the seminaries are also those who belong to low income backgrounds in neglected districts and tribal agencies.

Foolproof arrangements: Security tightened around seminaries

Grants distribution

All of them have been housed in the seminaries free of charge.

When contacted, Minister for Auqaf Haji Habibur Rahman told The Express Tribune the provincial government has been distributing grants among owners and administrators of these seminaries for a long time.

In reply to a question, Rahman, who is from Jamaat-e-Islami, said there was no fixed criteria for the distribution of grants among owners and administrators of seminaries.

“After assuming the office, I approved a minimum grant of Rs20,000 and maximum Rs500,000 for each seminary,” he said.

He added grant to seminaries is announced and given by ministers or administrative secretaries and directors in accordance with performances of the institution. Most of the owners or administrators approach the department for financial help through applications, he maintained.

Regarding the controversy surrounding the allocation of Rs300 million to Darul Uloom Haqania in Akora Khattak, Nowshera — which is owned and run by Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami chief Samiul Haq — Rahman said it was approved by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak. He however, confirmed the payment of Rs150 million to Darul Uloom Haqania. He added the remaining will be utilised by the provincial communication and works department for the construction of facilities.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 29th, 2016.
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