Horoscope: June 23, 2016

Your stars today

Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 19

Obviously, the discovery somebody’s been manipulating facts for their convenience is annoying. Still, ultimately, what you learn from the resulting discussions will be a relief. Your questions will reveal they’ve been doing this for ages, and explain the constant mix-ups in plans and arrangements. Their intentions weren’t malicious. It was pure self-interest.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

Watching a longstanding arrangement come undone isn’t just difficult, you can’t help but think of certain wonderful moments in the past. But times have changed and so, frankly, has the role of this and other similar arrangements. If they can’t be updated, as is the case now, they’ll have to go.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

For days you’ve worried certain situations would mean cutting back on elements of your life you regard as essential. Yet deep down you realise these are luxuries, and ones that you could easily let go of, if need be. That time has come. Ironically, saying farewell to them will be a relief.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

Welcome as intriguing offers and new ideas are, inevitably they’ll lead to changes, if not leaving familiar elements of the past behind. Tempting as it is to try and keep certain of these going while juggling what’s coming your way, it would only complicate your life. Letting go won’t be easy, but it’s the best option.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

Ordinarily, being told that you should do the minimum might sound ridiculous to you, as a fire sign and somebody who thrives on action. Yet the current emphasis on the most intuitive part of your chart indicates you’ll benefit from this stillness. The resulting insights could help fine tune crucial decisions.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

Disagreements don’t bother you. On the contrary, you feel they often clear the air. Still, judging by the current series of tense aspects involving the communication planet Mercury, minor misunderstandings could easily blow up into major battles. Raise issues when the moment arises but put off serious discussion until later.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

The actual link-up between bountiful Jupiter and Pluto, planet of transformation, may not be until Monday. But it’s so powerful that you’re probably already experiencing its benefits. Explore these and show interest in what seems promising. Make no commitments just yet, however, as there’s yet more exciting coming your way.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Observing familiar elements of your life come undone is no fun. Yet the odds are good your attempts to keep these afloat have been unrewarding. Acknowledge that their time is nearly over and you’ll not only end those struggles, you’ll free yourself to venture into new, and exciting, territory.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

When making plans recently, you assumed the practical side of the situations in question hadn’t changed. Now it’s not only clear they have, but those changes will require that you conduct a top to bottom review of your vision. Time consuming as this is now, it will prevent problems later.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

During this period of transition, it’s vital you draw a clear line between elements of your life, relationships and objectives that are sacred, and therefore unchanging, and those based more on habit. Disinclined as you might be to alter or even relinquish the latter, deep down you know it’s wise.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

By no means are you adverse to new ideas. Nobody enjoys hearing about these more than you do. However, when those ideas could force you to make unwelcome changes, as is now the case, it’s quite another matter. Still, once you’ve actually undertaken them, you’ll realise how timely they are.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

During periods of exciting but frequent change, such as this is, even the most straightforward of plans is likely to need to be rethought, and more than once. Knowing that, waste no time on perfecting those ideas but, instead, do something out of character and plunge in, knowing you’ll learn from experience.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 23rd, 2016.
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