Happening now: Aamir Liaquat set to break world record of longest TV transmission

24 hours and counting...

24 hours and counting... PHOTO: TWITTER

Aamir Liaquat is known for breaking his own records by upping the entertainment (read: silliness) quotient each time he hosts a Ramazan transmission, but little did we know that he is en route to breaking a world record this time.

Twitter is abuzz with news that the popular TV anchor is hosting the longest Ramazan transmission for the first time in the history of Pakistan.

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Aamir announced on his show Pak Ramazan that he will be breaking the previous world record of a 44-hour-long transmission to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

Tweets are pouring in to support him

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But there are many others who feel our pain

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It's been 24 hours already and people are still counting...

Will he be able to set a new record?

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