Trades and skills: Over 30 institutes accredited: TEVTA

Sheikh said they could play a crucial role in mapping the career trajectories of their children

TEVTA Chairperson Irfan Qaiser Sheikh. PHOTO: TEVTA.ORG


Technical Educational and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) Chairman Irfan Qaiser Sheikh said on Friday that 33 Tevta institutes had been accredited by the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).

Sheikh made the remarks while chairing a meeting at the Tevta Secretariat. He said the NAVTTC—the premier body for technical education—had accredited the institutes, offering 239 programmes, due to their excellent standard and outstanding performance.

Sheikh said the move would ensure the provision of quality programmes across the institutes. He said this would benefit employers, students and their parents.

The Tevta chairman said another 30 of the authority’s institutes had been nominated for accreditation. He said the accreditation of the aforementioned institutes was a testament to the successful realisation of set objectives.

Sheikh said the institutes would continue to improve quality standards through self-evaluation. He said students enrolled across the institutes would be able to conveniently transfer earned credits across other institutes. Sheikh said those employed across the institutes took great pride in teaching there.

He said the accreditation process would help students select quality institutions in line with their interests and aspirations.  Sheikh said this would also improve their placement prospects the world over. He said it was of pivotal importance for parents to see a return on investment. Sheikh said they could play a crucial role in mapping the career trajectories of their children and facilitating academic achievement.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 18th, 2016.
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