The vault: Rema Taseer

CEO of Rema, a jewellery line, Rema Taseer talks about her life-long love for jewellery

CEO of Rema, a jewellery line, Rema Taseer talks about her life-long love for jewellery along with some of her favourite pieces and future projects

How and when did you get interested in jewellery?

I completed a course in jewellery and diamond grading while I was working at the UN. Soon after, I decided to take my interest forward and start my own brand!

What are your favourite pieces of jewellery (precious or costume), and handbags?

In precious jewellery I prefer a simpler setting as opposed to large statement pieces, I think it gives it a very timeless feel. The emerald has been my all-time favourite, and I have been wearing my emerald ring for years now, a gift from my mother. For costume jewellery, I tend to be more experimental depending on my mood and the occasion. It’s difficult to say what my favourite piece is, but mostly I end up wearing my logo studs for everyday wear and ear cuffs, embellished belts or a statement necklace for a more formal occasion. I usually pair my iconic clutch with various ensembles, as it is an accessory that can be used from day to night.

Is there any piece you are emotionally attached to and why?

The first piece that I made for the ‘Cuspate’ collection was a very emotional process for me — from the design, to the sampling, to seeing the polished product. I still have the first piece that was made and I wear it often!

Share a story with us about how you acquired one of your favourite pieces?

It would have to be the apple ring called ‘Her Magical Spell’. The inspiration of this collection had a lot to do with art and my recent travels to Italy. The process and research that went into the artworks of Botticelli and other Renaissance artists, the marriage of the goddess Aphrodite and the ensuing symbols resulted in a very interesting journey from concept to execution. Each handcrafted piece from that collection represents the meaningful story behind the golden apple, the dove, seashells and sea foam. It takes me back to everything that I saw during my travels and how I wanted that to take shape in my collection.

Is there anything on your radar that you want to do in the future?

I’m working on my latest jewellery collection along with the clothing line collaboration with Shehrbano. This is an exciting venture with a lot more to look out for!
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