It runs In the family: Anaam Ayub and Shazah Ayub

Anaam Ayub, HR analyst and Shazah Ayub, marketing director at Umaima Mustafa, give us an insight into their childhood

May 29, 2016

Trend-setting sisters Anaam Ayub, HR analyst and Shazah Ayub, marketing director at Umaima Mustafa, give us an insight into their adventurous childhood, from failing math repeatedly to having an innate passion for Bollywood — they do sisterhood well

What’s your first memory of each other?

Anaam: Bullying Shazah. I am the quintessential first-born.

Shazah: For as long as I can remember, Anaam was literally Queen Bee, whereas my cousins and I were her minions. As a child I was the timid one and she would always have my back if someone tried to bully me.

What is the craziest thing you have done together?

Anaam: We were really naughty kids, and one memory that stands out is attacking our neighbour’s house with China bombs.

Shazah: We’ve had the best childhood! My sister and I, along with our cousins, were a team and did some super-crazy things together. From dissecting frogs to harassing our Qari sahib, we’ve done it all. Anaam and I also went for bungee jumping and zip-lining together –  which was crazy, but mad fun.

What did you get punished for the most as a child?

Anaam: Failing math. I was hopeless with numbers.

Shazah: Failing every single math test and exam in school.

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, from the other’s closet, what would it be?

Anaam: Choosing one piece from Shazah’s closet is just not possible.

Shazah: Her Lanvin dress! Now that I’m a size 2 like her, I can finally fit into it.

If you could swap places with each other, what’s the first thing you would you do?

Anaam: Enjoy my thick, luscious mane and crack everyone up with my killer sense of humour.

Shazah: Eat everything without worrying about calories. I wish I had her killer metabolism.

What is the one thing you love about your sister?

Anaam: Her strength and grace.

Shazah: She’s been an exemplary older sibling and set the precedent high for my brother and I.

If you are fighting with each other, how do you make up?

Anaam: We fight over the silliest of things and get over it soon after. We just wait for things to cool down and get back to normal.

Shazah: We give each other the silent treatment and then randomly start talking again.

What is the one secret talent your sister has, that you wish you did too?

Anaam: She is extremely patient even with the most difficult of people. That is something I completely lack.

Shazah: She cooks really well, while on the other hand I can’t even make an egg.

Describe your sister in three words:

Anaam: Talented, creative, and caring.

Shazah: Hardworking, independent, and loyal.

How are your personalities similar?

Anaam: We love to get dressed, have an innate obsession with Bollywood and are very loyal to those close to us.

Shazah: Both of us are very emotional and sensitive and have great family values that our parents instilled in us, and we will always put our family over everything.

I can’t live without my sister because...

Anaam: She is my constant source of entertainment. There is never a dull moment when she is around.

Shazah: She’s always been a part of my life and has been around since day one, so imagining life without her is next to impossible.


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