Horoscope: May 25, 2016
Your stars today
Aries | March 20 – April 19
Not only is teamwork essential at the moment, you’ll soon realise the degree to which you’ve been neglecting certain situations. Some have involved dull practical matters. Your real concern is that you’ve caused hurt feelings by not spending enough time with loved ones. However, you can make up for it, beginning now.
Taurus | April 20 – May 20
Everybody will be relieved that, as of last Sunday, Mercury is no longer retrograde. Still, it remains in Taurus until mid-June, which gives you a timely opportunity to review any difficulties that arose and, equally, ensure complex situations are now in good order, especially those that had to be dealt with in haste.
Gemini | May 21 – June 20
There’s a lot of activity going on in Gemini. The Sun moved into your sign on the 20th, as did Venus last Tuesday. While you thrive on these exciting developments and the resulting fast pace, others don’t. In fact, some are struggling. Discussing changes regularly with them will make a huge difference.
Cancer | June 21 – July 22
Sometimes obstacles are no more than that, difficulties that need to be overcome somehow. However, those you’re currently facing are an invitation for analysis, with an eye to understanding their source, so you can prevent a recurrence. While that’s more complicated, the results will undoubtedly justify the persistence required.
Leo | July 23 – August 22
You’ve faced situations in which unwanted changes were being discussed and, worse, those who were arguing for them are short of facts. However, with your ruler the Sun and the retrograde Mercury accenting these for the past month, this was unavoidable. Although there’s less pressure, those changes are still in the air.
Virgo | August 23 – September 22
Sudden changes can mean making decisions when there’s little time for thought, and still less for in depth analysis. This is especially the case now. You’ve a choice. You can either do the minimum and deal with details later or try to get things perfect now, despite the inevitable difficulties you’ll face.
Libra | September 23 – October 22
If certain arrangements are no longer of interest to you, it may not be the actual situation that’s the problem but, rather, that it’s time to move on. Comfortable as these are, they’re also keeping you from broadening your horizons, and just when the planets suggest it’s a very good idea.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
There’s pressure from others to go along with business or financial arrangements that they’re happy with, but which you regard as worrying, if not an outright compromise. Rather than struggle to delay making commitments, simply ensure they can be easily altered, as it’s likely to be necessary. And, possibly, often.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21
The power of the clash between your ruler Jupiter and the tough-minded Saturn cannot be underestimated. And because this accents your own ideas and objectives versus the demands of certain individuals or practical matters, compromises are inevitable. While annoying now, ultimately, these will prove to be in your best interests.
Capricorn | December 22 – January 19
Sometimes a heated exchange is no more than that. However, what you’re facing now has origins in the distant past yet is putting pressure on everybody, including you, to discuss one particular persistent issue in depth. While this won’t be easy, the clearer you are on what’s what, the better.
Aquarius | January 20 – February 17
Recent discussions with family or loved ones or, perhaps, close friends regarding minor differences have blossomed into a clash about certain fundamental beliefs. Tempting as it is to sidestep these tactfully, the issue won’t vanish. For now, it may mean you agree to disagree. If so, that’s a good start.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
Obviously, the delays you’re facing are annoying, especially as they’re influencing a range of situations. Bizarrely, what you learn while dealing with these won’t just be important now, those facts could prove crucial in early June, when you’re facing a series of pivotal decisions, and with little time to ask questions.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 25th, 2016.
Not only is teamwork essential at the moment, you’ll soon realise the degree to which you’ve been neglecting certain situations. Some have involved dull practical matters. Your real concern is that you’ve caused hurt feelings by not spending enough time with loved ones. However, you can make up for it, beginning now.
Taurus | April 20 – May 20
Everybody will be relieved that, as of last Sunday, Mercury is no longer retrograde. Still, it remains in Taurus until mid-June, which gives you a timely opportunity to review any difficulties that arose and, equally, ensure complex situations are now in good order, especially those that had to be dealt with in haste.
Gemini | May 21 – June 20
There’s a lot of activity going on in Gemini. The Sun moved into your sign on the 20th, as did Venus last Tuesday. While you thrive on these exciting developments and the resulting fast pace, others don’t. In fact, some are struggling. Discussing changes regularly with them will make a huge difference.
Cancer | June 21 – July 22
Sometimes obstacles are no more than that, difficulties that need to be overcome somehow. However, those you’re currently facing are an invitation for analysis, with an eye to understanding their source, so you can prevent a recurrence. While that’s more complicated, the results will undoubtedly justify the persistence required.
Leo | July 23 – August 22
You’ve faced situations in which unwanted changes were being discussed and, worse, those who were arguing for them are short of facts. However, with your ruler the Sun and the retrograde Mercury accenting these for the past month, this was unavoidable. Although there’s less pressure, those changes are still in the air.
Virgo | August 23 – September 22
Sudden changes can mean making decisions when there’s little time for thought, and still less for in depth analysis. This is especially the case now. You’ve a choice. You can either do the minimum and deal with details later or try to get things perfect now, despite the inevitable difficulties you’ll face.
Libra | September 23 – October 22
If certain arrangements are no longer of interest to you, it may not be the actual situation that’s the problem but, rather, that it’s time to move on. Comfortable as these are, they’re also keeping you from broadening your horizons, and just when the planets suggest it’s a very good idea.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21
There’s pressure from others to go along with business or financial arrangements that they’re happy with, but which you regard as worrying, if not an outright compromise. Rather than struggle to delay making commitments, simply ensure they can be easily altered, as it’s likely to be necessary. And, possibly, often.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21
The power of the clash between your ruler Jupiter and the tough-minded Saturn cannot be underestimated. And because this accents your own ideas and objectives versus the demands of certain individuals or practical matters, compromises are inevitable. While annoying now, ultimately, these will prove to be in your best interests.
Capricorn | December 22 – January 19
Sometimes a heated exchange is no more than that. However, what you’re facing now has origins in the distant past yet is putting pressure on everybody, including you, to discuss one particular persistent issue in depth. While this won’t be easy, the clearer you are on what’s what, the better.
Aquarius | January 20 – February 17
Recent discussions with family or loved ones or, perhaps, close friends regarding minor differences have blossomed into a clash about certain fundamental beliefs. Tempting as it is to sidestep these tactfully, the issue won’t vanish. For now, it may mean you agree to disagree. If so, that’s a good start.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19
Obviously, the delays you’re facing are annoying, especially as they’re influencing a range of situations. Bizarrely, what you learn while dealing with these won’t just be important now, those facts could prove crucial in early June, when you’re facing a series of pivotal decisions, and with little time to ask questions.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 25th, 2016.