Horoscope: May 23, 2016

Your stars today

Your stars today. STOCK IMAGE

Aries | March 20 – April 19

If you’re feeling restless, it’s no surprise. Recent discussions didn’t just rouse an interest in certain ideas, pursuits or even studies, these excite you more than anything has for ages. Explore them now, and in depth. However, with your ruler Mars retrograde, it would be unwise to commit without serious thought.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

During the past four weeks both the Sun and your ruler Venus have been positioned in Taurus, which has been about a review of elements of your life. But, even more, it’s boosted your spirits, enough you’ve explored potential changes. The time has come to turn what you’ve learnt into action.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

Although your ruler Mercury is no longer retrograde, the confusion it triggers won’t vanish overnight. On the contrary, for a few days things could be even more chaotic. During this period, it’s about catching and dealing with those errors and misunderstandings that somehow escaped notice over the past weeks.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

Leaving others to wrestle with problems alone isn’t usually your style. If you can’t actually help, you’ll remain nearby, ready to talk things over. But now, not only would that be unwise, the individual in question has made it clear they want to deal with this on their own.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

Making decisions when you’re short of facts is bad enough. But facing dramatic changes when you’d rather keep things as they are is another matter entirely. With your ruler the Sun in the portion of your chart that accents such matters for the past month, this is exactly the dilemma you’ve been confronted with.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

Judging by the current pressure on the portions of your chart that accent the structure of your life, change is in the air. Some have been on your mind for ages, but others seem sudden if not worrying. Still, the more you explore these, and those that appear this week, the more confident you’ll be.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

After a series of unsettling but informative discussions with those closest, you’re looking forward to being able to hang out and simply enjoy each other’s company. While there’ll be a bit of that, those dramas aren’t necessarily over. While disruptive, they’re taking you closer to resolving these matters for good.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

You don’t really think about it but, being a Scorpio, you were born under perhaps the most conscientious of the signs. However, with Mercury positioned in the partnership angle of your chart and having just ended its retrograde cycle, you’ve had to back off and let others deal with the resulting chaos.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

Everyone was influenced by the recent Full Moon, but because it was in Sagittarius, the changes it triggered and the heightened feelings were especially intense. Ordinarily, that would be that. However, the rare, second, Full Moon in your sign, in four weeks, will rouse similar issues and possibly even more intense emotions.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

Few things are more exasperating for you than being short of facts or, worse, discovering that what you believed to be true is unreliable. Yet that’s exactly what you’re facing. Ironically, now that Mercury’s no longer retrograde, errors will be discovered, and it’s likely there’ll be a number of other similar revelations.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

It’s true, as an Aquarius, you’re better equipped than most to deal with even very tense situations involving loved ones, family or close friends. Still, recent misunderstandings seemed to go on forever. Be patient. The real issue is the stubborn attitude of one particular individual. They’ll mellow but it will take time.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

The recent Full Moon may have brought issues involving your domestic or working life to a head, but it certainly hasn’t led to a solution. Although, obviously, you’d rather get things settled swiftly, you’re better off waiting until the time of the New Moon, on 5 June, and the accompanying fresh perspective.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 23rd, 2016.
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