It runs in the family: Sehr Pirzada and Soraya Rahim

Sehr Pirzada, communications head at Sana Safinaz, and Soraya Rahim, lawyer, share moments from their childhood

May 14, 2016

Sisters Sehr Pirzada, communications head at Sana Safinaz, and Soraya Rahim, lawyer, share memorable moments from their childhood, sound like two peas of a [peaceful] pod, and give us warm feelings from all the love they share!

What’s your first memory of each other?

Sehr: The day she was born — I remember waiting outside the delivery room with my father and feeling immensely excited and proud to be her big sister.

Soraya: My first memory of my sister is from our family trip in Nathiagali, when I was three years old. I was playing outside and she warned me about the jackals that were lurking around in the area, and since then she has always watched over me.

What is the craziest thing you have done together?

Sehr: Sworn secrets.

Soraya: We went parasailing in Pattaya, and while I was keen, Sehr wasn’t. Poor girl landed in water instead of land, and while it sounds dangerous it wasn’t — it was just really funny! I think she still holds me responsible on some level! Sorry, big sis, but it was fun!

What did you get punished for the most as a child?

Sehr: I was a naughty tomboy, no one believes it but it’s true. I would get told off for being too rowdy. Once I played baseball with Soraya’s head and almost knocked her unconscious.

Soraya: My parents and sisters have always yelled at me for not answering the phone. It’s something I am still working on.

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, from the others closet, what would it be?

Sehr: That’s a tough one to answer, as she makes everything look incredible with her amazing height, figure, and good looks! Whenever I see anything on her, I want it too.

Soraya: Instead of clothes I would want to possess my sister’s culinary skills since she is one of the most talented and knowledgeable cooks I know.

What is the one thing you love about your sister?

Sehr: I could never pin it down to just one thing. My sister is the kindest, gentlest, most giving person I know. Her heart is pure and she’s straight to a fault. I love that about her.

Soraya: I love how steadfast she is in her ability to love, and how she honours her word to the very end. She is one of the most committed people I have had the privilege of knowing, to her career, family life and friends. In this day and age everyone makes promises, but very few live up to them. Sehr is one person that holds true to her values and morals.

If you are fighting with each other, how do you make up?

Sehr: We have very rarely argued. It’s like that between all three of us. Whenever we have, we have hurriedly made up and apologised profusely to one another. We are very mindful of each other’s feelings.

Soraya: We make up the very next second and both apologise. Sehr has never usurped her authority as a big sister and is the first to admit when she is wrong.

What is the one secret talent your sister has, that you wish you did too?

Sehr: She’s extremely even-tempered and never loses her cool. She doesn’t get flustered; she is like a tall glass of cool water. I love how composed she is and how regally she holds herself.

Soraya: Her ability to comprehend and learn things meticulously. Most children struggle to learn at first, but Sehr has always grasped concepts instantly.

Describe your sister in three words:

Sehr: Drop dead gorgeous.

Soraya: Compassionate, loyal, and beautiful.

Which fictional character is your sister most like?

Sehr: If you’ve seen the Age of Adeline, she’s a lot like Adeline.

Soraya: She’s like Cher from Clueless.

How are your personalities similar?

Sehr: We don’t like conflict, we are both very non-aggressive and non-abrasive and neither of us can understand or tolerate the opposite trait in others.

Soraya: We are very hopeful and positive about all that life has to offer us, and even if we face hardships — we know in them lies a lesson and a blessing from God.

I can’t live without my sister because…

Sehr: She is a vital piece of my heart and soul.

Soraya: I can’t live without my sister because without her, I wouldn’t be challenged and enlightened to be the best version of myself.


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