'Star Trek 4' may already be in the works

It's highly doubtful that the studio is re-registering the 1986 Star Trek

It's highly doubtful that the studio is re-registering the 1986 Star Trek. PHOTO: CINEMABLEND

While Star Trek Beyond doesn't hit theaters until this summer, Paramount Pictures is already gearing up for Star Trek 4.

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According to TrekMovie.com, Paramount officially registered the title Star Trek 4 with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) on April 30.

It's highly doubtful that the studio is re-registering the 1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home instead of a new sequel.

While registering with the MPAA isn't a guarantee that the sequel to Star Trek Beyond will actually happen, it should be noted that Chris Pine (Captain Kirk) and Zachary Quinto (Spock) have already signed on for a fourth film.

Star Trek 4 is simply a placeholder until production is underway and an official title can be chosen.

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Directed by Justin Lin, Star Trek Beyond, starring Pine, Quinto, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Anton Yelchin and Idris Elba, is set to be released in US on July 22.
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