Interest Shown: Chinese firms keen to invest in KCR

The CM said the track would cover an area of 43 kms with average daily traffic of around 700,000 passengers

A delegation of a Chinese state-owned company and a private concern met Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and expressed interest in investing and working on the projects of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) and Zulfikarabad, a new city being developed near Thatta. The delegation, comprising representatives of China Railways and Tashinua, discussed the investment opportunities in Sindh and prospects of pouring capital into the Karachi Circular Railway and building infrastructure in Zulfikarabad. The Tashinua group has experience in city development, road and airport construction. It looked keen to invest in Zulfikarabad being established along the sea shore near Thatta. Speaking about the circular railway, the chief minister said the track would cover an area of 43 kms with average daily traffic of around 700,000 passengers. It would have 24 stations.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 17th, 2016.

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