Pre holiday cleanse

Start your pre-holiday cleanse a week or two in advance to boost your immune system

Calm Before the Storm

Start your pre-holiday cleanse a week or two in advance to boost your immune system in time for that hectic holiday season. Anushee and Ayla Hashwani’s cleanse will allow you to rejuvenate your system and revive your overly exhausted body, making you feel energized and refreshed. Do not jump onto the fad diet wagon, which will only diminish your metabolism

A perfect cleanse requires you to eat pure foods that are dense in nutrients throughout the day.


• Added sugar

• Caffeine (you can do it)

• Dairy products, gluten, soy and corn, which are highly inflammatory

• Processed foods

• Artificial sweeteners


• Turmeric-> liver cleansing and anti inflammatory properties

• Chili peppers-> boosts metabolism

• Ginger-> Soothes digestion

• Cinnamon-> stabilises blood sugar

• Omega 3 supplements

• Coconut Oil

This is what your typical day should look like. Get creative, mix up nutritious ingredients, and enjoy every bite of your cleanse.

Detox rules:

1. Stick to a well balanced diet of up to 1500 calories.

2. Opt for organic produce that will prevent your body from absorbing any chemicals, as added preservatives only clog your system.

3. The only form of sugar you must consume are from fruits that have a low glycemic index such as berries, apples and pears.

4. Stick to one cleansing juice per day with ingredients such as ginger, cayenne pepper, lemon and garlic. Drinking too many juices a day will only do you harm by revving up your insulin levels. Remember less is more!

5. Move your body for at least 30 minutes everyday to improve circulation.

6. Add fiber to your diet from dense foods such as flax and chia seeds.


Coconut muesli served with rice milk.

Cold-pressed juice

Cucumber, mint, basil, apple and kale.

Nut pot

A mix of walnuts, hazelnuts and Brazilian nuts.


Steamed King prawns over a bowl of quinoa

Side of steamed spinach and peppers


Avocado and tomato salad.


Organic grilled chicken breast with courgette pasta in a spicy tomato sauce .

Evening dessert

Blended cashew, rice milk and cinnamon frozen into popsicles (Add stevia or agave nectar for sweetness)

Why cleanse only before your holidays? Try incorporating these clean eating habits into your everyday routine to release your body of stress and create harmony from within. Your body is your temple; treat it right with clean choices.
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