Promising development: Projects worth billions initiated in Hangu: Khattak

He said the provincial government was determined to ensure peace and provide justice and rights to the people of K-P

K-P Chief Minister Pervez Khattak. PHOTO: APP


Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has said projects worth billions have been initiated in Hangu in health, education, water and other sectors. He made assurances that the people of Hangu would be given plenty of opportunities.

He expressed these views while talking to journalists after offering condolences on the death of MPA Shah Faisal’s nephew Majid Salim in Hangu on Tuesday. The CM was accompanied by the acting K-P governor Asad Qaiser, Imtiaz Shahid Qureshi and others. Majid Salim was gunned down a couple of days ago.

Khattak said the provincial government was determined to ensure peace and provide justice and rights to the people of K-P.

Highlighting the achievements of the PTI led government, Khattak said, “The K-P government has brought about major reforms in the government institutions.” He added the government was working on a comprehensive agenda to resolve long-standing problems of people and putting the affairs of government institutions back on track.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 24th, 2016.
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