Here's what your life would be like if you didn't live in Pakistan

The website uses a number of databases to let us make this comparison and find out the differences

Unushay Ashfaq February 23, 2016

Many of us have wondered how different our quality of life would be if we lived in another country and it has now become possible to gauge the differences.

A website,, uses a number of databases, including the CIA World Factbook and the World Health Organisation, to let its users make this comparison and find out the differences.

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The portal was originally designed to show the magnitude of the 2010 BP Oil Spill and how it was affecting people around the world. It soon became a useful tool that could help users gain insight on the lives of people around the world.

Some of the comparisons of Pakistan with other countries had interesting results.

For example, we were able to find that living in Italy instead of Pakistan would mean that you are likely to live 14.98 years longer, in Saudi Arabia you would be 20.51 per cent less likely to get murdered and have a 90 per cent lower chance of having AIDS.

Living in the United Kingdom as compared to Pakistan would mean you would be having 43.3 per cent less babies, have a 9.09 per cent higher chance of being unemployed, and spend 108.6 per cent more on healthcare.

In China you would be making 3.2 per cent more money than in Pakistan and be 64.2 per cent less likely to die in infancy.

If you live in America, you will have to spend 264.7 per cent more on healthcare and will be 17 times more be likely to be in prison.

Across the border in Afghanistan, you would die 16.56 years sooner and consume 95.45 per cent less oil.

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In India, you would experience 20.26 per cent more of a class divide than in Pakistan but will be 57.69 per cent less likely to get murdered and have 14.23 per cent fewer babies.

And finally, if you live in Vatican City, (in comparison to anywhere else) it's a fairly good assumption that you would be Catholic.



not buying it. | 8 years ago | Reply UK has higher unemployment rate than Pakistan? Really? Pakistan has not had a census in nearly 20 years. Any data about having less of a class divide than India has to be taken with a bagful of salt.
Mr Obvious | 8 years ago | Reply If you live in America, you will have to spend 264.7 per cent more on healthcare and will be 17 times more be likely to be in prison. . True - but even the poor and homeless get health care at govt subsidized county hospitals, and your chances of going to jail only comes into play if your a criminal. The long lines of people trying to get into the USA are testimony that the chances of getting a well paying job and good education for your children seem to outweigh the high cost of health care.
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