Pakistan's first ever Emoji interview

We asked Brian a series of questions to which he responded with Emojis


When words aren't enough or when you're left speechless, you can always rely on Emojis!

Spokesperson of the US Consulate General Brian Asmus was left similarly 'speechless' during an interview with The Express Tribune. (Maybe because of the brilliant questions?)

Asmus is serving on a two-year tour in Karachi. In an exclusive interview with The Express Tribune, via text message, we asked Brian a series of questions. Here are his responses ... in Emojis.

Apple introduces 'Islamic' emojis

1. We started off with a simple one.

2. It appears that Brian's spirit animal is a horse. 

3. Brian has worked extensively in the media and has even hosted a TV show and two radio shows. He has also written for multiple magazines and newspapers; most notably the Economist Intelligence Unit, Buenos Aires Herald, China Post and China News.

4. Brian previously served as Consular Officer in Guangzhou, China. So we asked him where he preferred to work.

5. And here's why...

6. Maybe the weather has something to do with it too.

7. Brian has also managed to make some friends in town.

8. Then we put diplomacy into question.

9. Here's what Brian thinks of Karachi.

10. Then we got to the personal questions.

11. It seems Brian is a 'foodie' at heart.

 12. And loves Autumn.

13. In some ways, he's just like us. 

14. Cricket, golf and tennis are some of Brian's favourite sports.

15. According to Brian, he's good at painting, singing and he's quite the chef. 

16. And finally, we think Brian has a great life motto!


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