Twitter Alert!

John Mayer thinks “Twitter is over” but he still cannot cancel his account.

For Mayer, Twitter is just a form of communication but for many other stars, the micro- blogging site is an obsession. It is at least true for Ali Zafar who recently tweeted from girls’ washrooms during his show at Kinnaird College, Lahore (UPDATE 02/05/10: apparently he was not in the bathroom - read first comment below for clarification). We present this week’s best ten tweets from the glitzy world of celebrities.

So now I am in girls’ washrooms in KC. How many guys would give their lives to be there.

Wearing bedroom slippers at noon does not necessarily mean you overslept.

I hate it when people speak rudely. I believe that whatever is the issue, you can always talk it out. Why don’t people get it?

In seeking happiness, we sometimes miss moments that give us what we are looking for.

Busy as a bee once again with a herculean task ... cleaning my cupboard and playing touchand- go with Delhi.

Starting vitamins when sick is like saying a prayer when the plane is going down.

If victory is certain, even a coward will fight. But real bravery is when one dares to fight when defeat is certain.

Uncover your imperfections and give yourself permission to be vulnerable. This is what leads to change.

Wanting to be someone you are not is a waste of the person you are.

They say it takes 15,000 casualties to train a major general. Likewise in Bollywood, it takes several flops to produce a hit film.
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