SECP: 293 companies registered in December

Ninety two companies registered in Lahore, 85 in Karachi and 80 in Islamabad, SECP press release shows.

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has registered 293 companies during the month of December, according to a press release.

Majority of these companies were registered in Lahore (92 registrations) and Karachi (85 registrations), while 80 companies were registered in Islamabad.

The authorised and paid-up capitals of the 293 companies are Rs2 billion and Rs406.1 million, respectively.

During the month, 34 companies also increased their authorised capital with the aggregate increment amounting to Rs18.8 billion. Meanwhile, 65 companies raised their paid-up capital.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 12th, 2011.
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