Leaked email: IAAF official Davies steps aside

The official had discussed the plan in an email sent before the 2013 Moscow World Championships



The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Deputy General Secretary Nick Davies confirmed that he has stepped down from his role pending an investigation into a plot to delay the naming of Russian drug cheats.

“I have decided to step aside from my role with the IAAF until such time as the Ethics Board is able to review the matter properly and decide if I am responsible for any breach of the IAAF Code of Ethics,” said Davies in a statement released by the IAAF.

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French newspaper Le Monde and the BBC reported on Monday that Davies had discussed the plan in an email sent before the 2013 Moscow World Championships to Papa Massata Diack, who worked as an IAAF marketing consultant at the time and is the son of former IAAF president Lamine Diack.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 24th, 2015.

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