Strong leadership is essential for the many challenges confronting Turkey, and no one is more experienced than Erdogan
The designer was too iconic a name and his murder was too historic, making the show a riveting piece of drama.
With such gifted actors, it has all the makings of that emotionally-inspiring tear-jerker the trailer makes it to be.
Spain’s episode was a disaster, not for players, not for their manager, not for the Spanish FA, but for Real Madrid
On paper, many laws exist in favour of women but getting them enforced by those with a patriarchal mindset is daunting
Imagine living in a country where you’re expected to pay thanks for not being murdered by a VIP’s security team
I believed Karachi was under attack and I was being summoned by an intelligence agency to help out against the threats
Jibran Nasir and his defiance symbolise the rare awakening of a society cowed down by the “slaps” of the powerful.
Karachi is not the same as Lahore and it will not take the same things to build up this city. It has its own problems.
It seems the Director and Writer ensured they made the cheapest-looking & most unengaging piece of nonsense.