For Karachi, both MQM and PPP have failed to solve the city’s problems, and its people are in search of an...
Trump is advocating arming teachers because that would mean greater gun sales and soaring profits for the gun industry
PSP has assimilated most of MQM’s worker base, and PPP is preparing to take over the rest. MQM is in dire straits.
An overstated, interstellar tale with a weak screenplay that is too shallow for adults and too half-baked for children
For me, writing a book at such a young age was an outrageous idea. People my age have nothing relevant to say
Killmonger's the best villain in the entire MCU, and while this is a good thing, it poses a challenge for Infinity...
The way Salah, Mane and Firmino were shackled by Matic and company was a little hard to stomach for a Liverpool fan
We have grown up with stories and individuals who blamed Pakistan for everything unexplainable or uneasy in India
Given the definition of being a virgin, why was she worried about losing her virginity to a tampon or menstrual cup
This was their truth, yet to the world, they were the perfect couple. He had painted them that way.